Dejana is a full-line truck equipment house, celebrating 60 years in business specialize in supplying upfitted dump bodies, landscapers, work vans, dry freight bodies, high cubes, and cab and chassis to dealers in the Northeast. In addition, we also offer complete range of truck accessories including a comprehensive range of snow and ice removal products.
Dejana’s ship-thru program can provide the fastest order to delivery for complete turnkey units delivered nationwide. Also offering van shelving systems that provide fleets with faster, easier access to tools and equipment with 70% more storage space than other systems.
Our patented line of cable pulling equipment provides utilities with a variety of Best in Class features. See below for more information!
Dejana DuraRac D-Series
Van Interiors
With the DuraRac D-Series design – each interior shelf slides outside of the vehicle bringing the tools and equipment to the vehicle operator. No crawling into the van, being hunched over, or kneeling on unseen objects and tools.
The pullout shelves bring everything within easy reach of the operator, offering much better ergonomics than traditional rack and bin systems.
All of the DuraRack shelves are adjustable so that operators can customize them to their individual needs.
Click Here for More Information
Dejana Cable Pulling Equipment
Developed in close cooperation with public utility companies, these units offer a variety of patented design features to increase capacity, provide trouble-free performance, and improve service life.
Best in Class Design Capable of:
400,000 in lbs. of Pulling Force
16,000 lbs. of Lift Capacity
Lateral Control of Reel Arms
Freewheel Mode for Underground and Overhead Applications
Click Here for More Information
Dejana Cargo & Van Bodies
Dejana’s DuraCube®, DuraBox®, DuraMax® & Step-N-Cube® bodies can be customized for any requirement. Our bodies are manufactured in both aluminum sheet & post and FRP, and are available in lengths of 10’ all the way up to 24’. Choose from one of our cutaways or chassis, or we’ll build one on yours!
Dejana’s ship-thru program can provide the fastest order to delivery for complete turnkey units delivered nationwide. They also offer interior van shelving systems that provide fleets with faster, easier access to tools and equipment with 70% more storage space than other systems, and a patented line of cable pulling equipment that provides utilities with a variety of Best in Class features.